Revamping the Snake

Now that we have a snake that works, it’s time to make the game more complex. The goal is to add random blocks that will act as more wall. If the snake hits any of these blocks, it will die. All we need to do is add these blocks to the game, and check if the snake hits these blocks. Generating theese blocks isn’t difficult, but there are things we have to keep in mind.

  • Don’t place blocks in the same spot as other blocks.
  • Don’t create an unwinable board. Don’t create a |_| shape where once you enter, you can’t leave.

The first can be accomplished by a simple if statement, however the second one is slightly more complicated.

First, let’s get our general setup for the next game.

#! /usr/bin/env python3
					import snake
					import pygame
					class Game(snake.Game):
					class Snake(snake.Snake):
					def main():
					    game = Game(60, 800, 600)
					if __name__ == "__main__":

Now if we run it, we get our snake game from before

Now that we have that working, we can add the blocks to the game. The basic idea will be to add 10 random blocks. We will iterate 10 times, and each iteration we will try to add a new block randomly on the board. Then, we check if those coordinates have already been used, and we will check if it is safe (a later defined function). Finally, we will return the list.

					def __create_blocks(self):
					        block_coordinates = []
					        for i in range(10):
					                safe = False
					                while not safe:
					                        block = snake.Block(self.size, 
					                                        random.randint(0, self.rows) * self.size, 
					                                        random.randint(0, self.cols) * self.size, 
					                                        color=(220, 220, 220))
					                        if block in block_coordinates:
					                                safe = False
					                        if self.__isSafe(block_coordinates):
					                                safe = True
					        return block_coordinates

Now we have to check if a block placed into the list is safe.

					def __init__(self, fps, width, height):
					        super().__init__(fps, width, height)
					        self.block_width = self.snake.width
					        self.width = width
					        self.height = height
					        self.blocks = self.__create_blocks()
					def __create_blocks(self):
					        block_coordinates = []
					        for i in range(10):
					                safe = False
					                while not safe:
					                        block = snake.Block(self.snake.width, 
					                                        random.randint(0, self.height/self.snake.width) * self.snake.width, 
					                                        random.randint(0, self.width/self.snake.width) *
					                        if block in block_coordinates:
					                                safe = False
					                        if self.__isSafe(block_coordinates):
					                                safe = True
					        return block_coordinates
					def __isSafe(self, blocks):
					        for block in blocks:
					                if not self.__blockSafety(block, blocks):
					                        return False
					        return True
					def __mapBlockSurrounding(self, block, blocks):
					        encoded_map = bitmap.BitMap(8) #8 Surrounding blocks
					        total_walls = 0
					        #Make list of all surrounding blocks in board
					        bx, by = block
					        surrounding = [(sur_x, sur_y) for sur_x in
					                range(bx - self.block_width, bx + self.block_width * 2, self.block_width) 
					                for sur_y in range(by - self.block_width, by + self.block_width * 2,
					                if sur_x != bx or sur_y != by]
					        #Encode the surroundings into the bitmap
					        for index, (x, y) in enumerate(surrounding):
					                if (snake.Block(self.block_width, x, y) in blocks or x <= 0
					                        or y <= 0 or x >= self.width or y >= self.height 
					        return encoded_map
					def __blockSafety(self, block, blocks):
					        #Check blocks L R U and D from current block and enocde that area
					        all_surroundings = [(block.x - block.width, block.y), (block.x +
					                block.width, block.y), (block.x, block.y - block.width), (block.x,
					                block.y + block.width)]
					        #Encode each surrounding
					        for surrounding in all_surroundings:
					                encoded_map = self.__mapBlockSurrounding(surrounding, blocks)
					                #Check for conflict
					                if encoded_map.count() >= 3: #If it's less, theres no possibility of conflict
					                        #Check for -_- shape (impossible to escape)
					                        if ((encoded_map[3] and encoded_map[4]
					                                and (encoded_map[1] or encoded_map[6]))
					                                or ((encoded_map[1] and encoded_map[6]) 
					                                and (encoded_map[3] or encoded_map[4]))
					                                return False #Not valid, conflict exists
					        return True

Now that we are sure that all of our blocks are safe, we can display them on the screen
					def play(self):
					        timer = 0
					        speed = 10
					        input_buffer = []
					        moved = False
					        while not self.done:
					                for event in pygame.event.get():
					                        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
					                                self.done = True
					                        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
					                                if moved:
					                                        moved = False
					                while self.pause:
					                        for event in pygame.event.get():
					                                if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
					                if input_buffer and moved:
					                        moved = False
					                if timer * speed > 1:
					                        timer = 0
					                        if self.snake.checkDead():
					                        moved = True
					                self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
					                pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, snake.Snake.color, self.snake)
					                pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, snake.Food.color,
					                for block in self.snake.tail:
					                        pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, snake.Block.color, block)
					                ###Added Lines
					                for block in self.blocks:
					                        pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, ((220, 220, 220)), block)
					                ###End Added Lines
					                timer += self.clock.tick(self.fps) / 1000

Now we just have to make the snake die when it touches a block. This involves minor changes to the Snake class, such as adding a variable (initialized in init), updating move to check if a block is hit, adding a new function to check if a block was hit, and updating the requirements for the snake to die. Overall, this leads to:

class Snake(snake.Snake):
					    def __init__(self, game, size):
					        super().__init__(game, size)
					        self.hit_block = False
					    def move(self):
					    def hitBlock(self):
					        for block in
					            if self.colliderect(block):
					                self.hit_block = True
					            self.hit_block = False
					    def checkDead(self):
					        if self.hit_self or self.hit_wall or self.hit_block:
					            return True
					            return False

Now we have a new working version of the snake game. Next we have to focus on adding the Q-Learning algorithm. Luckily, much of the heavy lifting is going to be done by the code that has already been written!